Don't Let Life Happen To You

We’re moving!

We found out a couple weeks ago that I was accepted to the Georgetown MBA program and our little family has decided to make the move to Washington DC. We feel incredibly grateful to have this life-changing opportunity, but will certainly miss all of our friends and family back in the midwest.

Before we ever got married we decided that we didn’t want to let life happen to us. Moving to DC was never something we had on the radar, but when you realize change is inevitable the real joy in life comes from embracing it.

Megan will continue building MK Wellness (she just launched her beta app last week!) as her mission all along was to build a company that leverages technology to achieve its purpose. The way she is able to balance building a business with being a devoted wife and mother is extraordinary, and the number of organizations that have already expressed interest in her corporate wellness services is indicative of just how deeply talented and hardworking she is. However, it’s become quickly apparent that the solutions need to continue to evolve to serve a modern workforce — one that is increasingly global, remote, and individualized. Stay tuned for developments as she has an exciting announcement in the coming days.

Georgetown stood out amongst all the programs I considered because of its Jesuit tradition and the commitment to developing ethical leaders to serve humanity. In one of my admissions essays I wrote that while the work I’m interested in pursuing has certainly evolved since I attended Moody Bible Institute, the reason behind it remains the same: I believe I was put on this earth to serve others. It’s why I aim to pursue Social Enterprise: because it rejects the premise that creating social change and creating profit are mutually exclusive and allows us to think differently about creating simultaneous economic and social value so that we can tackle the most pressing issues in our world at scale — problems like poverty, gun violence, and access to education.

Lastly, we’ve always been struck by what Tim Keller said about raising kids in the city: “The city is actually a wonderful place to raise children. Just as the city showcases the worst of the human heart, it also lifts up the best that human culture has achieved: Art and music, drama, architecture, sports, all are the best that they can be.” I think our deepest prayer for Campbell is that she’ll grow up to understand the breadth and depth of life available to her — and that she won’t be afraid of taking her own risks to chase down her dreams someday.